Jack Norton
2967 Black River Road
RR#1 Wolfville, N.S.
Nov 20, 2002
To: Ralph Armstrong
Re: Fitch Fuel Catalyst

After installing the Fitch Fuel Catalyst we found a definite improvement in performance and power. On one average trip to the airport, which is a regular run for our company, we found that the mileage was a great improvement. We now get about two runs on a tank of fuel where it used to take one tank for the run. We feel that the mileage improved about 15% easy and the performance and power gains were a definite show of the performance gained by using the Fitch Fuel Catalyst. We highly recommend this product for all who are concerned about how the rising costs of fuel effects their business. We are now going to install a unit on our other 8 passenger limo and town cars to gain the saving for our business. Thanks for introducing us to this great product!!

                                                                                      Yours Truly

                                                                                                 Jack Norton

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